Sushi Maru

Food & Beverage | 2021
A modern Japanese restaurant that takes pride in offering elevated
dining experience through authentic Japanese cuisine.
A modern Japanese restaurant that takes pride in offering elevated dining experience through authentic Japanese cuisine.

Content Types

Golden Menu

Gradually highlights one menu per month to create a deeper understanding of the menu, hence allowing customers to appreciate the unique features of each dish and discover new favorites.


KANI is short for 'Knowledge about Nippon'. This inspirational content shares some interesting and useful insights about the culture, history, and lifestyle of Japan with a focus on both facts and recommendations. KANI offers the audience a fresh perspective of Japan yet still related to the brand.

Your Archives

A content type dedicated to involves the audience directly by reposting UGC (User-Generated Content) such as photos, videos, reviews, and more. This helps the brand to interact with the audience and build brand loyalty. Moreover, UGC increased an opportunity to widen the brand’s reach, build a community, and forge strong online presence.