Project Soul

Fashion & Accessories | 2020-2023
Offline Stores: Plaza Senayan, Mall Kelapa Gading 3, Neo Soho
A revolutionary fashion eyewear brand from Indonesia which offers
handcrafted frames with cutting-edge design and precision.
A revolutionary fashion eyewear brand from Indonesia which offers handcrafted frames with cutting-edge design and precision.
We are humbled to say that Project Soul has grown alongside us, starting from having 0 followers at the end of 2020 to reaching 31k organic followers by mid-2023.
To edit this component you must:
  1. Add the heading-list-visible class to the layout424_heading-list. This makes it possible to see and edit each heading.
  2. Make sure you delete the heading-list-visible when you finish.
If you add or remove any heading, remember to update the animation inside layout424_ix-trigger.
We are humbled to say that Project Soul has grown alongside us, starting from having 0 followers at the end of 2020 to reaching 31k organic followers by mid-2023.








Dec 2020

Jun 2021

Dec 2021

Jun 2022

Dec 2022

Jun 2023

A glimpse of some little wins

we have achieved in one month

(Data collected from May 2022)

Accounts Reached
Profile Visits
Link Clicks

One of the things we did to boost the monthly performance was through KOL Marketing.

By collaborating  with carefully curated KOLs who resonate well with Project Soul, we successfully boosted the performance of Project Soul's Instagram. This increase was reflected in the highest surge across several metrics on the day the KOLs posted photos of themselves wearing Project Soul eyewear.



