Cafe Batavia

Food & Beverage | 2024
Positioned as the most historic restaurant in Jakarta,
Cafe Batavia offers a historical dining experience situated in
a Dutch colonial building that was first built in 1805.
Positioned as the most historic restaurant in Jakarta, Cafe Batavia offers a historical dining experience situated in a Dutch colonial building that was first built in 1805.

Content Types

Inside Cafe Batavia

Contents that share about the people behind Cafe Batavia—be it the chefs, baristas, bartenders, etc. This content type serves to fortify the brand's credibility and transparency, fostering a deeper connection with its audience.

Night at Batavia

Contents highlighting the nightlife at Cafe Batavia to raise awareness of Cafe Batavia’s bar by showcasing the products and nightly events to the audience.

Taste of Batavia

Showcasing informations about the delectable array of culinary delights and beverages offered at Cafe Batavia.